Your articles are really good, I can relate to so much of your writing.
I went through similar feelings after my last break-up 10 years ago, before I met my wife. It’s weird to me how the feelings of love I have for someone only feel really strong and real after the relationship has ended. It’s fucking frustrating as well. During the relationship (any close relationship), I never feel very sure of how I feel about the person and I want to run or hide away a lot.
My wife and I were troubled people when we met, both going through hard times and the legacy of childhood traumas. At the time, I felt strongly that we weren’t right for each other, but also that we were perfect for each other! My wife loves me almost unconditionally, which is something I never had from my own mother. I do my best to love my wife as much as I am able to, my fear of love and vunerability is very strong sometimes. I know I love her though.
My wife and I have been together for 8 years now, we’re a good team and we communicate well, which keeps us strong together. We’re a pair of oddballs who get each other.
I’ll keep reading your articles!