Dom Powell
1 min readJan 28, 2019


“When I am at work in child care, I advocate against bullying in early childhood, in hopes that little ones learn to not be mean to others who struggle.

If I am in a group of people, and need to choose members of my team, I will ALWAYS choose the one who I see with challenges FIRST…Never last.”

You are a warrior, thanks for sharing your story. I had a friend whose house was somewhat as you describe, although it was due to his mother working day and night shifts all the time(she was a nice woman but just did not have much time to clean).

The house I grew up in was very chaotic and extremely messy ,although usually clean. I have 4 siblings (we were rarely disciplined for creating a mess) and my mother is a borderline hoarder. I often lost toys, clothes and shoes which never reappeared — I have no idea where they would go. It was quite distressing for me and I have issues about it even now — I have to have a system for everything, putting things back in the same place every time. If my wife accidentally moves something, I sometimes freak out a bit.

In retrospect, I think my friend and I were friends because of our chaotic home lives.

I realise my experience is not nearly as severe as what you had to endure as a child, just wanted to let you know I sympathise with what you had to go through and you’re not alone :)

