Urgh, the comments here are depressing. Leaving it up to each individual to decide what is real or fake news is extremely dangerous, as can be seen by recent events in the US and UK (I’m sure many other countries are affected too). ANYONE can be manipulated by false information with the right targeted ads/news etc (which is what Facebook does btw) — you, me, the commenters here — we’re all susceptible. If you believe you cannot be manipulated, you’re next!
Also, not everyone is good at the type of critical thinking needed — it’s not a question of ‘stupid people can’t tell real from fake’, there are different types of intelligence in the world. I want to live in a world where the information I read is correct/true, not one where I have to fact-check everything constantly.
I agree with the article, it’s Mark’s responsibility to control this and more regulation is needed.