Sorry to do this to you, I just couldn't walk by your comment:
You sound quite entitled and judgemental, that's probably why women were put off by you. You've referred to other men as 'scraggly', that you were 'competing' with them and you seem to think that you deserve to get women's attention over other guys because you bought a house, were physically fit and had a job - that's entitlement my friend. Despite what you might think, most women are attracted to a good personality with someone fun, interesting and confident (yes even if the guy is poor and out of shape). Money and physical fitness/attractiveness is less important (they are more 'icing on the cake' stuff that many women like).
You've also commented on how those women that rejected you are now in bad shape, you're gloating about their failures. I'm not surprised you struggled to find relationships with women to be honest.