My apologies, I’m not telling you that you should or shouldn’t use the term ‘race’, just that it is a loaded term and risky to use. I personally do not like the term, for reasons I’ll explain below.
I see your point about race as it applies to cats, but I don’t agree that it is so useful to apply this to humans (which was the point I was trying to make in my previous comments).
I do agree with you that everyone is different and that is a good thing that should be accepted, and that the people who want individuals to all be the same are wrong.
Before I continue, I want to make it clear that I don’t believe your article or yourself have racist intentions in any way.
From experience, I see the following tactics used by racists:
1. First, they argue that terms such as ‘race’ just describe differences, nothing else. They argue that it is just a word to be used to describe the world.
2. Once we accept that, they go on to describe the exact racial differences between races (which encompasses all possible traits eg. physical, personality etc).
3. Once we accept that, they argue that some races are inferior to others (based on their race’s attributes) — at this point, it becomes dangerous obviously.
This is why your article makes me feel uneasy because it asks us to accept that the term ‘race’ is just a word to be used to describe the world. Again, I’m not saying or implying at all that you have racist intentions, just that using the term ‘race’ is risky because it is often used by racists to legitimize their beliefs.
Happy to have this discussion with you 😊