I realise this is satire and somewhat agree with it's lampooing of lazy or unoriginal creators.
However, I keep seeing this attitude of "that creator/AI/tool is just copying, but I'm original!" since the advent of AI tools such as chat gpt.
I hate to break it to you but no-one is ever truly original, and this myth of the creater as original genius who pulls their creation from the gods/inspiration/effort/talent/their arse etc has to stop.
The truth is that we're all imperfect creators using the tools and skills we have to hand at the time. Who gets to say what is good or bad art? Where do ideas come from? Someone's self-righteous opinion on these matters is just that, an opinion. Art is subjective, man. I applaud anyone who tries to create anything, even 'bad' art. I certanly don't condescend to them, for fear my own creations are mercilessly scrutinised. You should think more about that.
All of us, I mean ALL OF US, are influenced by, and adding to, the culture and ideas around us. Art is never reated in a vacuum, and someone's insistance that creativity comes from some magical place that only 'worthy' humans have access to is embarrassing due to it's immaturity.
To put it another way - creativity is just mashing disparate ideas together enough times to get a good outcome. I guarantee you that soon, AI will become much better than humans at doing this.
But it doesn't matter. Just create, that is all.