I had a listen to some of your tracks, there’s some good stuff there. Please don’t let your opinions ruin the positives about your music — it’s your creation that you put a lot of effort into, why taint your music with these comments?
Being aggresive online will come back to haunt you, I swear. We’re living in a great time of self-promotion where we can self-publish our creations (I’m trying to get my artwork published), but the downside is that our online behaviour is part of our creations as well, for good or ill. There was a Youtube music channel that went down the toilet recently because of the channel creators bad behaviour and opinions on Facebook — all the bands he was promoting pulled their music off his channel. His name is Clint Beed, channel called ‘Stoned Meadows of Doom’ if you’re curious, it happened a few weeks ago. I loved the music on that channel, now it’s all gone.
Literally overnight Clint lost everything — and for what? For the chance to express his opinions online? It’s not worth it, I’m telling you. Better to talk to friends or go see a therapist in confidence. I don’t have any friends but I had therapy last year and it helped me out a lot with my anger and depression.