I completely agree with you, but I'm wary of the term 'high-quality men' - what constitutes high quality? For some women, it's a sense of humour, kindness, self-awareness and other traits that can (and should) be worked on by men. For others, it's superficial qualities like height - if a woman's definition of high-quality includes height (or other physical attributes that cannot be changed), that's troubling.
I suspect that the term 'high-quality' refers to a mix of both personality traits and physical traits for most women, which is understandable - men do exactly the same. But I can't help but feel disturbed when men and women have rigid ideas about what constitutes a high-quality partner. Surely it's better to go into any potential relationship with an open mind? Of course have standards, but also understand that each individual is different and should be treated as such, not a set of 'high-qualities' to be ticked off a list.