Ha I agree, I've got into to trouble before for challenging bosses. I've learned to play the game better, so when a boss mentions something or directly asks me to do something, I just do it in the most basic way, just to say I did it - even when I know that their request is not the right solution. Once I've got that task out of the way, I can continue with my own projects.
I learned long ago that workplaces (I'm referring to the technology sector in offices) are often chaotic, illogical places and that it's not worth the effort to push back too hard. I think I give less of a fuck about doing things properly or logically, I just get the task done in the most basic way, which seems to be what the neurotypicals want, even if they say they want excellence - sorry to say, but neurotypical work situations do not foster excellence or efficiency or logic. They foster hierarchy, self-interest and the appearance of work, not valuable work. It's an absurd game to played, and I'm learning to play it well. I like my paycheck the best!