Great points, I'm going through a separation right now with my wife of 9 years. Our relationship has been a bit crappy for a few years now, but I thought we still could make it work. But my wife is done, and to be honest, I agree with her reasons. It's all amicable, which I'm grateful for.
The weird thing is that my subconscious knew my wife was going to end things way before my conscious mind did - in Sept last year, I started a new job that required me to go into the office by train on Mondays. Every Monday when I said goodbye to my wife and son for the day, I'd get strong feelings of despair and loss, like I was saying goodbye to them for the last time - it was so strong that I'd cry on the train sometimes! It seemed really weird at the time, but I guess my subconscious already knew the relationship was over and was trying to tell me.