Great list, I've experienced most of these at some point, which is why I don't drink alcohol at all, ever.
I don't understand why the drug called alcohol gets some special pass in western societies - it's a really dangerous drug. Weed is much safer, better for relaxing, socialising, having fun etc but weed is illegal in many places. It's madness.
For the record, I believe all drugs should be legalised and controlled, to reduce harm. This includes alcohol, which should only be available to obtain from a special counter in the supermarket, not available on shelves and advertised like it is currently. In 50 years time, people will look back on our attitude to alcohol and think we were mad, similar to how we now view smoking attitudes back in the 1950's.
Edit: To add (I'm on a roll!), I feel really sorry for recovering alcoholics who are constantly exposed to alcohol when they have to buy groceries, it must be so hard to resist. A recovering heroin addict does not have to be subjected to seeing packets of heroin when they do their weekly shop, but an alcoholic does, it's not fair. And let's be clear, alcohol is as dangerous as heroin, this is a provable fact. But alcohol is everywhere! All drugs should be hidden from view and purchases controlled, including alcohol.