Good points. The idea that 'a good God = no suffering' is very myopic.
Pain and suffering are inherent to biological life - without it, biological life would not exist. It has nothing to do with God's morality (or lack thereof), it's just something baked into biological life, like all the other qualities you mentioned (pleasure, hunger, joy etc). Pain/pleasure, joy/sadness, hunger/satiation etc - you can't have one without the other. Expecting God to remove pain but keep pleasure shows a basic lack of understanding of, well, everything.
We should leave God out of the question of suffering, the answer is obvious to me. Without suffering (and all the other qualities that allow biological life to exist), we wouldn't be here to ask the question.
To put it another way - when I throw a ball up, it then falls back down. This is a basic fact of the laws of physics on Earth. The ball falls down because it went up first. I suffer because I exist in a biological body. So saying "I suffer because God is immoral/there is no god" sounds as silly as saying "The ball falls down because God is immoral/there is no god".
A different perspective - God is like a loving parent who wants us to grow and become our best selves. This process involves suffering. Without it, we cannot grow and change. If God could spare us suffering then we would not grow and the whole point of our souls manifesting in biological bodies for a brief time would be pointless (I believe in reincarnation as a means to purify the soul).