But ND is not race - race is mainly a socially-constructed concept that has no bearing on a person's neurological abilities and struggles. Neurodiversity on the other hand has actual real effects, both positive and negative, in the way people interact with each other.
It's not my intention to be offensive or tell you what to do, I only question why you choose to make dating harder for yourself by trying to date NTs, which you have not answered. If you’re choosing a course of action that makes life more difficult for yourself (when there is an easier option already available), you should have reasons better than ‘I’m allowed to date NTs’ — of course you’re allowed to, but why?
I have learned from hard experience (and some research) that romantic relationships between NTs and NDs are difficult. But relationships between NDs seem to be much more favourable - if you find that information offensive, there's not much I can do about that.
Edit: Just wanted to say I’m sorry to cause offense, I am not trying to ‘troll’ your article. But this topic of ND/NT romantic relationships is one I feel very strongly about, and I wish for favourable outcomes for both NT and ND people, to save them from the suffering my ex-wife and I put each other through unintentionally. A romantic relationship between Autistic/non-autistic people has the potential to cause great suffering if not approached with the right intentions, and with the understanding that it will be very hard work. So my advice is — if you can avoid the potential hard work and suffering, then do so.